Los cinco grandes rasgos de personalidad

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Trait Breakdown

Each individual trait can be further breakdown in 2 major Aspects

Apertura a las nuevas experiencias

Openness to experience is the primary dimension of creativity, artistic interest and intelligence (particularly verbal intelligence) in the Big Five personality trait scientific model. Openness to experience is a measure of interest in novelty, art, literature, abstract thinking, philosophy as well as sensitivity to aesthetic emotions and beauty. People with moderately low levels of openness to experience tend to be more conventional, conservative people. They are less known for their curiosity or interest in novelty or change. They tend to be comparatively disinterested in learning, particularly for its own sake, and tend to stick with what they know.

They do not typically engage in prolonged abstract thinking, and seldom consider philosophical issues, such as the meaning of belief systems and ideologies. They do not find it necessary to attend cultural events such as movies, concerts, dance recitals, plays, poetry readings, gallery openings and art shows, although they may do such things on occasion. They are less likely to enjoy writing, and tend to stay away from complex problems and abstract ideas.

They read somewhat less than the typical person, and tend to stick to more mainstream material when they do so. They have a narrower range of interests, and a more conventional vocabulary. They can think abstractly and learn when necessary, but are less intrinsically interested in doing so. They come up with new ideas relatively infrequently, and may sometimes have difficulty getting their thoughts across to others (particularly if they average or below in extraversion). People moderately lower in openness tend to stay on the beaten path, and find satisfaction in the tried-and-true (particularly if they are high in orderliness). They tend more often to avoid difficult intellectual problems or challenges.

People moderately lower in openness to experience tend to have a narrower, more focused range of interests. This makes it somewhat easier for them to settle on a single path in life, to specialize to a necessary degree, and to create an integrated identity (unless they are very high or above in neuroticism and/or very low or below in conscientiousness). People moderately lower in openness less frequently undermine their own convictions or beliefs by excessive questioning (particularly if they are average or below in neuroticism). They tend not to be intellectual rebels, revolutionaries or protestors.

Having now a picture of a person with low level of openness to experience you can understand better how a person with high levels see the world: they tend to be creative, able to come up with novel solutions, interested in abstracted ideas and able to handle abstract ideas.

Openness to experience is the dimension that best predicts political allegiance (with conscientiousness, particularly the aspect of orderliness, coming in at second place).Those who are liberal, politically, are very much more likely to be high in openness to experience than conservatives.

Women and men differ very little in openness to experience at the trait level, although there are differences in the aspect levels.

Trait openness to experience is made up of the aspects of intellect and openness.


Conscientiousness is the primary dimension of dutiful achievement in the Big Five personality trait scientific model. Conscientiousness is a measure of obligation, attention to detail, hard work, persistence, cleanliness, efficiency and adherence to rules, standards and processes. Conscientious people implement their plans and establish and maintain order.

Individuals who are typically conscientious do not react too negatively to failure. They can let themselves off the hook, and tend not to be too judgmental about their own faults, or those of others. They will suffer some shame and guilt when unemployed or otherwise unoccupied, particularly when that occurs through no fault of their own. People of average conscientiousness are reasonably committed to personal responsibility, but also believe that there is more to life than diligence, orderliness and duty. They think that those who work hard should and usually will be rewarded, but also note that luck and chance play their role. They are not excessively preoccupied with hygiene, moral purity or achievement, and are unlikely to be micro-managers or over-controlling.

People with typical levels of conscientiousness are no more likely to be political conservatives or liberals (although they will tilt towards the former if low in openness and the latter if high).

Women are very slightly more conscientious than men. The mean percentile for women in a general population (women and men) is 51.5. For men it is 49.5.

Conscientiousness has two aspects: industriousness and orderliness.


Extraversion is the primary dimension of positive emotion in the Big Five personality trait scientific model. Extraversion is a measure of general sensitivity to positive emotions such as hope, joy, anticipation and approach, particularly in social situations.

People with moderately high levels of extraversion are quite enthusiastic, talkative, assertive in social situations, and gregarious. They are often energized by social contact, and crave it. They typically like to plan parties, tell jokes, make people laugh and participate in community activities. They are somewhat more likely to have positive memories of the past, above-average levels of current self-esteem (particularly if they are low in neuroticism), and to feel optimism about the future.

People moderately high in extraversion are comparatively more dominant in social situations, particularly if they are also low in agreeableness. Less agreeable extraverts tend to be self-centered – something that can be made worse if they are also low in conscientiousness.

Those who are politically liberal are slightly less extraverted than conservatives.

Women are slightly more extraverted than men. The mean percentile for women in a general population (women and men) is 52. For men it is 48.

Extraversion has two aspects: Enthusiasm and Assertiveness.


Agreeableness is the primary dimension of interpersonal interaction in the Big Five personality trait scientific model. People high in agreeableness are nice: compliant, nurturing, kind, naively trusting and conciliatory. However, because of their tendency to avoid conflict, they often dissemble and hide what they think. People low in agreeableness are not so nice: stubborn, dominant, harsh, skeptical, competitive and, in the extreme, even predatory. However, they tend to be straightforward, even blunt, so you know where they stand.

People with very low levels of agreeableness are seen by others as markedly competitive, colder, tougher and very much less empathic. They do not easily see the best in others, and are not particularly tolerant (an attitude that is much valued by agreeable people). They are very much less concerned about the emotional state of others, are uncommonly willing to engage in conflict, and will happily sacrifice peace and harmony to make a point or (if conscientious) to get things done. People may find them painfully straightforward and blunt. They tend very strongly towards dominance, rather than submission (particularly if also below average in neuroticism).

People with very low levels of agreeableness do not easily forgive. They are not accepting, flexible, gentle or patient. They don't easily feel pity for those who are excluded, punished or defeated, and tend to attribute such problems to weakness. They are also very unlikely to be taken advantage of by disagreeable, manipulative or otherwise troublesome people, or those with criminal or predatory intent. Their high levels of skepticism play a protective role, although it may often interfere with their ability to cooperate with or trust others whose intentions are genuinely good. They are also less likely to reward good behavior or to give credit where it is due. They can cooperate, when cooperation is in their clear self-interest, but very much appreciate competition, with its well-defined losers and winners. They do not easily lose arguments (or avoid discussions) with anyone, and can forthrightly enjoy the battle. They can be very good at bargaining for themselves, and at negotiating for more recognition or power, and are likely to have higher salaries and to earn more money, in consequence. People very low in agreeableness are therefore less likely to suffer from resentment or to harbour invisible anger. They let you know what they think, when they think it. In addition, because of their tendency to engage in conflict, when necessary, people low in agreeableness people tend not to sacrifice medium- to long-term stability and function for the sake of short-term peace. This means that problems that should be solved in the present are often solved, and do not accumulate counterproductively across time, although people close to those very low in agreeableness may often experience them as overbearing and uncaring.

Agreeableness, per se, is not strongly associated with political liberalism or conservatism, but this is because the aspects of agreeableness predict such political belief in opposite ways, and cancel each other out. Liberals are higher in aspect compassion, and conservatives in aspect politeness. However, alliance with the category of belief that has come to be known as politically correct is strongly predicted by agreeableness (particularly compassion). What this appears to mean is that agreeable people strongly identify with those they deem oppressed, seeing them, essentially, as exploited infants, and demonize those they see as oppressors, seeing them as cruel, heartless predators.

There are large differences between men and women in terms of spontaneous interest, and these also appear associated with agreeableness. Agreeable people, caring as they do for others, are more likely to enter professions associated with people, such as teaching and nursing, which are dominated by women. This is true even in the Scandinavian countries, where attempts to produce gender-equal societies has reached a maximum. Disagreeable people, by contrast, appear to prefer systematizing over empathizing, and are more interested in things – machines and technology. In consequence, professions such as engineering and trades associated with construction and machinery tend to be dominated by relatively disagreeable men.

Agreeableness has two aspects: compassion and politeness.

Inestabilidad emocional

Neuroticism is the primary dimension of negative emotion in the Big Five personality trait scientific model. Neuroticism is a measure of general sensitivity to negative emotions such as pain, sadness, irritable or defensive anger, fear and anxiety.

People with low levels of neuroticism rarely focus on the negative elements, anxieties and uncertainties of the past, present and future. It is rare for them to face periods of time where they are unhappy, anxious and irritable, unless facing a serious, sustained problem. Even under the latter conditions, they cope well, don’t worry too much, and recover quickly when stressed. They’re good at keeping their head in a storm, and they seldom make mountains out of molehills. They tend to have much higher levels of self-esteem, particularly when they are also average or above average in extraversion. They are at low risk for developing anxiety disorders and depression (again, particularly if average or above in extraversion).

Neuroticism is not a powerful predictor of political belief, either conservative or liberal.

Females tend to be higher in neuroticism than males. The typical woman is higher in neuroticism than 60% of the general population of men and women combined. In part, this may be why women report more unhappiness in their relationships, at work, in school and with their health than men, on average, and why women initiate 70% of all divorces. This difference in neuroticism between men and women appears to emerge at puberty. It is largest in countries such as Norway and Sweden, where the most has been done to ensure equality of outcome between the sexes. This provides strong evidence that biological factors rather than environment and learning account for the dissimilarity.

Trait neuroticism is made up of the aspects withdrawal and volatility.